February 2002 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Feb 1 22:01:50 CDT 2002
Ending: Thu Feb 28 22:47:35 CDT 2002
Messages: 397
- Linux Mags
David Lowe
- Linux Mags
Don Pfister
- Linux Mags
Dale Herring
- Linux Mags
- How to allow scp but not ssh or emaiil
- Linux at Bryan College
Peter Manglaviti
- Linux at Bryan College
- Changing IP Addresses
- Whuzzup with Gnome?
Chris Hoelscher
- Gnome & .NET
Gene Dascher
- To Promote Your Business
L Mi
- To Promote Your Business
Brian Densmore
- Whuzzup with Gnome?
Brian Densmore
- Update: New distro
Brian Densmore
- Whuzzup with Gnome?
Rich Edelman
- Update: New distro
Rich Edelman
- Changing IP Addresses
Jonathan Hutchins
- Changing IP Addresses
JD Runyan
- Whuzzup with Gnome?
JD Runyan
- Update: New distro
Joshua Bergland
- Changing IP Addresses
Joshua Bergland
- Linux at Bryan College
DCT Jared Smith
- Changing IP Addresses
Bill Cavalieri
- Update: New distro
Brian Densmore
- Changing IP Addresses
Prof. Jerry Place
- Petition for Maximum Linux
DCT Jared Smith
- Linux usability [ was: RE: Changing IP Addresses]
Brian Densmore
- two questions
Eric Gilliland
- Changing IP Addresses
Joshua Bergland
- two questions
Gene Dascher
- two questions
JD Runyan
- two questions
Joshua Bergland
- Changing IP Addresses
Jonathan Hutchins
- Changing IP Addresses
JD Runyan
- Changing IP Addresses
Brian Densmore
- Changing IP Addresses
JD Runyan
- Changing IP Addresses
Brian Densmore
- Changing IP Addresses
Marvin Bellamy
- Changing IP Addresses
Brian Densmore
- Installfest
Michael A. Morgan
- Changing IP Addresses
JD Runyan
- Refurbised RS6000
George Walter
- quake uninstall
Eric Gilliland
- Refurbised RS6000
JD Runyan
- smime.p7m
Ray Hanes
- Installfest
John Lindinger
- tarball drivers to RPM format...
Joe Brouhard, MCP
- smime.p7m
Ray Hanes
- two questions
Monty J. Harder
- Interesting Article
David P. Engvall
- Refurbised RS6000
Brian Densmore
- two questions
DCT Jared Smith
- I remember when AOL first began
DCT Jared Smith
- I remember when AOL first began
Rankin, James - KC
- I remember when AOL first began
Brian Densmore
- I remember when AOL first began
Rankin, James - KC
- Was AOL letter, now forking
Bradley Miller
- Meeting reminder
Duston, Hal
- Was AOL letter, now forking
Brian Densmore
- I remember when AOL first began
Dustin Decker
- two questions
Jeremy Fowler
- remote login
- Changing IP Addresses
Jonathan Hutchins
- two questions
Jeremy Fowler
- System Configuration [Was: Changing IP Addresses]
Tony Hammitt
- I remember when AOL first began
Kendric Beachey
- two questions
Monty J. Harder
- System Configuration [Was: Changing IP Addresses]
Monty J. Harder
- Comcast/Linksys Warning
David Lowe
- Was AOL letter, now forking
Adam Turk
- Was AOL letter, now forking
Brian Densmore
- Tridirectional standard
DCT Jared Smith
- System Configuration [Was: Changing IP Addresses]
Brian Densmore
- standards?
David Carter
- System Configuration [Was: Changing IP Addresses]
Tony Hammitt
- System Configuration
DCT Jared Smith
- Was AOL letter, now forking
Adam Turk
- IPCHAINS and IP Masquerade
Joe Brouhard, MCP
- System Configuration [Was: Changing IP Addresses]
Jonathan Hutchins
- Changing IP Addresses
Jonathan Hutchins
- Looking fo experienced and innovative Linux guru
Walt Lane
- I remember when AOL first began
Jonathan Hutchins
- Meeting reminder and Basement trove...
Jonathan Hutchins
- Apache
Brian Densmore
- Apache
Adam Turk
- Was AOL letter, now forking
Jeremy Fowler
- The C is dead, long live the C
DCT Jared Smith
- The C is dead, long live the C
Adam Turk
- The C is dead, long live the C
Brian Densmore
- The C is dead, long live the Perl
DCT Jared Smith
- The Perl is dead, long live The RUBY
Brian Densmore
- The C is dead, long live the C
Jeremy Fowler
- .forward files
Jeremy Fowler
- The C is dead, long live the C
Adam Turk
- The C is dead, long live the C
Bradley Miller
- The C is dead, long live the Perl
DCT Jared Smith
- HTTP Header Alteration
- HTTP Header Alteration
DCT Jared Smith
- HTTP Header Alteration
- .forward files
JD Runyan
- The C is dead, long live the Perl
Jeremy Fowler
- .forward files
Jeremy Fowler
- The C is dead, long live the Perl
Adam Turk
- The C is dead, long live the Perl
Brian Densmore
- The C is dead, long live the Perl
Jeremy Fowler
- HTTP Header Alteration : it ain't simple
DCT Jared Smith
- The C is dead, long live the Perl
Adam Turk
- Slashdot header
DCT Jared Smith
- Installing RH w/ PCMCIA Network Card
jose sanchez
- Installfest
- Debian woody and gcc 3.0 unresolved symbol "new" with c++ program
- Jobs, employment, and lack of.
Steve King
- System Configuration [Was: Changing IP Addresses]
Tony Hammitt
- System Configuration
Brian Densmore
- Python
Rich Edelman
- System Configuration
Tony Hammitt
- System Configuration
Brian Densmore
- System Configuration
JD Runyan
- System Configuration
JD Runyan
- Apache
Michael Pratt
- Python
KRFinch at dstsystems.com
- Apache
paulb at savagesoft.com
- Debian woody and gcc 3.0 unresolved symbol "new" with c++ program
Mike Coleman
- Python
Mike Coleman
- The C is dead, long live the C
Monty J. Harder
- The C is dead, long live the Perl
Mike Coleman
- The C is dead, long live the C
Mike Coleman
- The C is dead, long live the C
DCT Jared Smith
- The C is dead, long live the C
Adam Turk
- The C is dead, long live the C
- The C is dead, long live the C
Adam Turk
- The C is dead, long live the C
Adam Turk
- The C is dead, long live the C
Monty J. Harder
- The C is dead, long live the C
Tony Hammitt
- The C is dead, long live the C
Monty J. Harder
- The C is dead, long live the C
Jim Herrmann
- The C is dead, long live the C
Adam Turk
- new distro
Brian Densmore
- The C is dead, long live the C
Brian Densmore
- The C is dead, long live the C
Tony Hammitt
- The C is dead, long live the C
JD Runyan
- mainframes [was RE: The C is dead, long live the C]
Brian Densmore
- The C is dead, long live the C
Adam Turk
- mainframes [was RE: The C is dead, long live the C]
Adam Turk
- The C is dead, long live the C
Brian Densmore
- mainframes [was RE: The C is dead, long live the C]
JD Runyan
- The C is dead, long live the C
Dustin Decker
- The C is dead, long live the C
Marvin Bellamy
- The C is dead, long live the C
Prof. Jerry Place
- Godwin's Law and why the "The C is dead, long live the C" thread should probably die now.
Dustin Decker
- The C is dead, long live the C
Link, David LINKD
- Godwin's Law and why the "The C is dead, long live the C" thread should probably die now.
MGGodwin at dstsystems.com
- The C is dead, long live the C
Adam Turk
- PERL modules [was RE: The C is dead, long live the C]
Brian Densmore
- PERL modules
Bradley Miller
- PERL modules [was RE: The C is dead, long live the C]
John Heryer
- Now What? New Distribution Woes
Robert Kennedy
- Changing IP Addresses
Jonathan Hale
- Linux usability [ was: RE: Changing IP Addresses]
Jonathan Hale
- Changing IP Addresses
Jonathan Hale
- Linux at Bryan College
Jonathan Hale
- Changing IP Addresses
Jonathan Hale
- System Configuration [Was: Changing IP Addresses]
Jonathan Hale
- System Configuration [Was: Changing IP Addresses]
Jonathan Hale
- Changing IP Addresses
Jonathan Hale
- mainframes [was RE: The C is dead, long live the C]
Jim Herrmann
- Changing IP Addresses
Jim Herrmann
- new distro
Monty J. Harder
- Changing IP Addresses
Jonathan Hale
- Need Some Help with my Touchpad
- new distro (and versioning)
Brian Densmore
- Linux usability [ was: RE: Changing IP Addresses]
Brian Densmore
- Now What? New Distribution Woes
Brian Densmore
- Lindows OS
Joshua B. Derck
- Macintosh Distribution
Seth Dimbert
- Macintosh Distribution
Brian Densmore
- Macintosh Distribution
Gerald Combs
- Macintosh Distribution
Seth Dimbert
- Now What? New Distribution Woes
- Question RE: new distro
Brian Densmore
- Macintosh Distribution
Brian Densmore
- Used Computers
Prof. Jerry Place
- PERL modules [was RE: The C is dead, long live the C]
Douglas S. Sparling
- Used Computers
Dustin Decker
- Used Computers
Brian Densmore
- comcast is watching
Eric Gilliland
- comcast is watching
Marvin Bellamy
- comcast is watching
Gene Dascher
- comcast is watching
Rankin, James - KC
- comcast is watching
Gene Dascher
- comcast is watching
Rankin, James - KC
- comcast
Ray Holmes
- Comcast
Brian Densmore
- Comcast
Bradley Miller
- MySQL Question
Seth Dimbert
- MySQL Question
Bradley Miller
- MySQL Question
Brian Densmore
- Comcast
Adam Turk
- comcast caves
Eric Gilliland
- OT-Re: Comcast
Marvin Bellamy
- comcast is watching
Jonathan Hutchins
- Comcast
Jonathan Hutchins
- Lindows OS
Jonathan Hutchins
- Lindows OS
Richard Meeker
- Comcast
Jim Herrmann
- OT-Re: Comcast
Marvin Bellamy
- Request For Java Comments
Steven Hildreth
- Response to M
Jim Herrmann
- Request For Java Comments
Bill Cavalieri
- Question RE: new distro
Jonathan Hale
- new distro (and versioning)
Jonathan Hale
- Linux usability [ was: RE: Changing IP Addresses]
Jonathan Hale
- Linux at Bryan College
Jonathan Hale
- new distro (and versioning)
Gerald Combs
- Kylix Installation
Steve King
- *.alb files?
Bob Batson
- *.alb files?
- *.alb files?
Robert Kennedy
- new distro (and versioning)
Jonathan Hale
- Kylix Installation
- *.alb files?
Bob Batson
- Red Carpet Problems
Jonathan Hutchins
- Powersupply sizing for AMD chips
- Powersupply sizing for AMD chips
Brian Densmore
- new distro (and versioning)
Brian Densmore
- Take me - No Take Microsoft instead!
Brian Densmore
- Take me. (TRIMMED)
Duston, Hal
- Toshiba Laptop
- Toshiba Laptop
Duane Attaway
- Take me - No Take Microsoft instead!
Marvin Bellamy
- Ultimate Linux Box (ULB)
Bob Batson
- Ultimate Linux Box (ULB)
Gene Dascher
- *.alb files?
DCT Jared Smith
- Linux usability [ was: RE: Changing IP Addresses]
DCT Jared Smith
- Take me - No Take Microsoft instead!
Marvin Bellamy
- Linux usability [ was: RE: Changing IP Addresses]
Duston, Hal
- Take me - No Take Microsoft instead!
Brian Densmore
- Linux usability [ was: RE: Changing IP Addresses]
DCT Jared Smith
- Coordinating Diverse Components [was: Re: Linux usability]
Monty J. Harder
- freshmeat.net: Editorials - How to Fix the Unix Configuration Nightmare
rcb at kc.rr.com
- The burgeoning cry for a nonstandard standard
DCT Jared Smith
- Meeting reminder
Duston, Hal
- freshmeat.net: Editorials - How to Fix the Unix Configuration Nightmare
Adam Turk
- Linux camera #2
Bradley Miller
- Toshiba Laptop
MBSmith at dstsystems.com
- UGH! New KCStar.com site . . .
Bradley Miller
- UGH! New KCStar.com site . . .
KRFinch at dstsystems.com
- UGH! New KCStar.com site . . .
Brian Densmore
- UGH! New KCStar.com site . . .
- UGH! New KCStar.com site . . .
Duane Attaway
- Camera enclosures
Bradley Miller
- Sendmail
Seth Dimbert
- Kmail and majordomo
Prof. Jerry Place
- UGH! New KCStar.com site . . .
Fowler, Chris
- ipalias
Dale Herring
- Sendmail
paulb at savagesoft.com
- A well-done webmail client, in PHP
DCT Jared Smith
- A well-done webmail client, in PHP
Dustin Decker
- Sendmail
Gerald Combs
- Sendmail
Bradley Miller
- UGH! New KCStar.com site . . .
Kendric Beachey
- Adding a hard drive
Michael Pratt
- Adding a hard drive
Brian Densmore
- Security question
Brian Densmore
Dale Herring
- Sendmail
Dustin Decker
- Adding a hard drive
Dustin Decker
- Security question
David Nicol
- Security question
Brian Densmore
- Security question
Duston, Hal
- Security question
JD Runyan
- Security question
John Heryer
- Security question
Brian Densmore
- Security question
JD Runyan
- Adding a hard drive
Don Erickson
Don Erickson
- a series of stupid questions about kmail
Eric Gilliland
- Computer Donations
Gene Dascher
- Computer Donations
KRFinch at dstsystems.com
- Linux in Schools
Gene Dascher
- six encrypted FS projects on freshmeat. was Re: Security question
David Nicol
- Encrypted Home Directory
Jeremy Fowler
- Wacky connector
Bradley Miller
- Wacky connector
MGGodwin at dstsystems.com
- Wacky connector
Dustin Decker
- Opinions on powersupplies?
- Wacky connector
Gerald Combs
- Opinions on powersupplies?
Lance Feagan
- Letter from my boss
Chris Midkiff
- Job Openings
Steve King
- Letter from my boss
Marvin Bellamy
- Job Openings
Fowler, Chris
- Letter from my boss
Chris Midkiff
- Letter from my boss
Marvin Bellamy
- Letter from my boss
Dustin Decker
- Letter from my boss
JD Runyan
- [OT] Network Question
Seth Dimbert
- [OT] Network Question
Richard Meeker
- [OT] Network Question
JD Runyan
- Wacky connector -- problem solved
Bradley Miller
- running scripts within the current c-shell
Marvin Bellamy
- [OT] Network Question
Gerald Combs
- [OT] Network Question
Gerald Combs
- Job Openings
L. Adrian Griffis
- Job Openings
Steve King
- running scripts within the current c-shell
Mike Coleman
- a series of stupid questions about kmail
Jim Herrmann
- running scripts within the current c-shell
Bob Batson
- running scripts within the current c-shell
Gerald Combs
- running scripts within the current c-shell
Mike Coleman
- running scripts within the current c-shell
Kendric Beachey
- running scripts within the current c-shell
Bob Batson
- Letter from my boss
Steven Hildreth
- Letter from my boss
- Dual Powersupply
- running scripts within the current c-shell
Mike Coleman
- Letter from my boss
Jim Herrmann
- Letter from my boss
Steven Hildreth
- General Audio & CD-R Questions
Robert Kennedy
- General Audio & CD-R Questions
Steven Hildreth
- Digital CD Audio
Lucas Peet
- Letter from my boss
Mike Coleman
- Digital CD Audio
Duane Attaway
- (OT) Re: Job Openings
- [OT] Network Question
- Digital CD Audio
- How would I do this in Python 1 1
Bradley Miller
- How would I do this in Python 1 1
Charles Steinkuehler
- Letter from my boss
Brian Densmore
- Kmail crashes
Jerry Place
- running scripts within the current c-shell
JD Runyan
- Kmail crashes
Brian Densmore
- How would I do this in Python 1 1
- Linux in Schools
Brian Densmore
- Linux in Schools
Andrew Brink
- Linux in Schools
bcarterette at mail.liberty.k12.mo.us
- Linux in Schools
Marvin Bellamy
- Linux in Schools
Brian Densmore
- General Audio & CD-R Questions
Jonathan Hutchins
- running scripts within the current c-shell
David Nicol
- Letter from my boss
Steven Hildreth
- How would I do this in Python 1 1
Mike Coleman
- How would I do this in Python 1 1
Bradley Miller
- Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23
- Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23
DCT Jared Smith
- Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23
Marvin Bellamy
- Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23
Duane Attaway
- Comcast question [OT]
Gene Dascher
- Comcast question [OT]
Lucas Peet
- Comcast question [OT]
Gene Dascher
- Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23
DCT Jared Smith
- Internet Marketing
Marvin Bellamy
- Procmail
Bob Batson
- How would I do this in Python 1 1
Mike Coleman
- Linux in Schools
- Procmail
Duane Attaway
- Internet Marketing
- Internet Marketing
- Internet Marketing
- Nice column about Linux User's Groups
Jerry Place
- Nice column about Linux User's Groups
Duane Attaway
- Linux in Schools
MBSmith at dstsystems.com
- Linux in Schools
Gene Dascher
- Nice column about Linux User's Groups
Brian Densmore
- Linux in Schools
MBSmith at dstsystems.com
- Linux in Schools
- Linux in Schools
Marvin Bellamy
- Kmail Discovery
Jim Herrmann
- Members only? was: Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23
Jim Herrmann
- Internet Marketing
Jim Herrmann
- Nice column about Linux User's Groups
Jim Herrmann
- Linux in Schools
Jim Herrmann
- Linux in Schools
Dustin Decker
- running X remotely
Marvin Bellamy
- Internet Marketing
- Members only? was: Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23
JD Runyan
- Members only? was: Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23
Jonathan Hutchins
Bradley Miller
Marvin Bellamy
Brian Densmore
- Samba replacement
Chris Midkiff
Marvin Bellamy
Jonathan Hutchins
- Apache Help
Michael Pratt
- Apache Help
Brian Densmore
- Samba replacement
Dustin Decker
Dustin Decker
- Members only? was: Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23
JD Runyan
- Apache Help
Dustin Decker
- Apache Help
Gerald Combs
- Apache Help
paulb at savagesoft.com
- Apache Help
Brian Densmore
- Members only? was: Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23
Bob Batson
- Apache Help
Michael Pratt
- Nice column about Linux User's Groups
- continuing animosity
JD Runyan
- Hard Drive Retrieval Software (OT)
Jeremy Fowler
Last message date:
Thu Feb 28 22:47:35 CDT 2002
Archived on: Wed Aug 25 10:11:22 CDT 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).