Take me - No Take Microsoft instead!

Marvin Bellamy Marvin.Bellamy at innovision.com
Mon Feb 18 22:09:35 CST 2002

It's a lock that this sort of code is in the product, but I hope that 
the sheer size of their code base will prevent them from removing 
everything.  Enron couldn't shred everything with months of time to do 
so.  Think of all the bonehead  E-mails and memos made public in the 

zscoundrel wrote:

> The question is, will Microsoft have time to pull out all the hostile 
> code before they turn over the source to someone they don't have under 
> a gag order contract???
> Marvin Bellamy wrote:
>> if (3rdPartyApp == unwillingPartnership)
>>    crashApp(3rdPartyApp,"This program has performed an illegal 
>> operation");
>> Brian Densmore wrote:
>>> Anyone see Saturday's story.
>>> Micro$oft ordered to turn over the Windoze Source code to the 9 states!
>>> http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/industry/02/16/microsoft.code.reut/index.ht 
>>> ml
>>> Think they have time to find anything useful?
>>> Brian

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