The C is dead, long live the Perl

Jeremy Fowler jfowler at
Thu Feb 7 17:29:38 CST 2002

What about Pascal? That's defiantly not derived from perl...
Algol begets Pascal which begets Object-Pascal which begets Delphi which begets
(with many different spin-offs in between: Modula-2, Simula, Smalltalk, Cedar,
Oberon, Blackbox, etc...) All of which have nothing to do with perl... Oh, and
what about Fortran, Basic, and COBOL? Or even the mother of them all, assembler?
Perl is just an interpreted language anyway, and it's can only be compared with
other interpreted languages. (Python, LISP, etc) -Jeremy

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-kclug at
> [mailto:owner-kclug at]On Behalf Of DCT Jared Smith
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 10:13 AM
> To: kclug at
> Subject: Re: The C is dead, long live the Perl
> > I disagree. Reduce contemporary languages, and you get Perl. Reduce
> > Perl, and you get C. There is nothing before C that C could have
> > followed from. B doesn't count!
> Using some definitions of the word "reduce" I entirely agree with you.
> -Jared

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