Security question

David Nicol nicold at
Wed Feb 20 21:43:20 CST 2002

Brian Densmore wrote:
> Ok there is probably an easy answer to this. How do make a Linux
> filesystem from
> being local mounted and modified by someone using a floppy boot/root
> disk? Is it
> possible? I know this has one possible drawback, if you forget the
> password in, you're
> screwed.
> Just curious,
> Brian

You probably want a link to the "file system encryption how-to" but
I'll give you a more practical piece of advice:

Remove or at least disconnect the floppy drive, or even better,
fiddle the BIOS options so the hard drive is the only medium it
will boot off of.

           David L Nicol, humble system administrator (816) 235 1187
              "Reconciliation work is both harder and less rewarding
                                  than invention." -- Mark S. Miller

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