The C is dead, long live the C

Brian Densmore DensmoreB at
Mon Feb 11 15:20:25 CST 2002

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Adam Turk 
>The mainframe has its place and I respect that. But it is not the 'up
and coming'. Mainframes >would not have evolved as quickly if PCs did
not threaten their very existence. 

Behold I prophesy!

Ahem. Not to obscure the point, but mainframes aren't ever going to go
away. They're just going to continue to get smaller. IBM just made a
computer the size of and index card that is more powerful than the
computer I use here at work! You're computer is as powerful as many
mainframes. And "PC servers" are more and more adding the hardware
stability and complexity of mainframes. Sorry to burst your bubble,
mainframes aren't going to die. PCs are. PCs can't compete with the
current state of the art mainframe. They will still be called PCs in the
future, but in actuality they will be mainframes. This is a good thing.
Mainframes have fantastic stability.


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