Comcast question [OT]

Lucas Peet lpeet at
Tue Feb 26 16:30:54 CST 2002

Try emptying your web cache, and deleting all your cookies...I don't 
have Comcast, but this should probably help you.  Also check to make 
sure that you have cookies enabled, and that your webcache is large 
enough to store the cookies (15-30Mb should be more than enough).


Gene Dascher wrote:

>Are there any other Comcast broadband users who can't login to the
> site?  I go to and enter my login and password,
>but it always returns me to the same screen.  If I try to access "Member
>Services" or "Email", it tells me "You have to be logged in to acccess ...".
>I know that I am entering the correct login info, because if I enter the
>wrong password, it takes me to a "You have entered incorrect information"
>page and has me try again.  The same thing happens with EVERY browser that I
>use (IE, Netscape 6, Netscape 4.79).
>	I was able to successfully reach the member services page ONE TIME a couple
>of weeks ago to add an email account for my wife, but have not been able to
>get in since.  I am not having any problems getting email from any of the
> email accounts.  The only thing I haven't done is to Download
>their little program like they tell you to do, but I'm not sure how much
>difference that should make.  I thought that we were supposed to be able to
>access our email, etc via browser, from ANY computer on the net, not just
>the one where we downloaded their software.  I am going to call their tech
>support AGAIN today and see if they are having problems.
>I just wanted to see if I am the only one on the list who is having this

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