The C is dead, long live the C

Mike Coleman mkc+dated+1014095222.5da360 at
Sat Feb 9 05:03:50 CST 2002

"Adam Turk" <ATURK at> writes:
> Yes, C is like Latin. No nation on earth uses Latin as a common tongue.
> Therefore, it never changes - it is dead.

Consider this, though.  Large numbers of programmers program in C today.  It's
definitely not dead in that sense.

If you consider change a measure of life, Lisp ought to be the winner.  It
certainly has more mutations than any other base language, by quite a margin.
Arguably it's struggling, though.  Unfortunately.

> C is arguably the one language we cannot let go of.

Don't forget FORTRAN and COBOL.  :-(

(and we'll never be rid of Visual Basic)

> From it springs all other contemporary languages.

If you consider "all" to mean Java, C++, and Db.


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