Well, actually I think since it is a NPC (non-profit),
there's a good chance a lot of the "Beer" tastes a lot
like vinegar. ;')
Also, the job description makes it sound like this "Manager"
position rolls in all the duties of a VP, a manager, a tech,
a BOFH, and a "universal" programmer all in one. This looks like a
job for either the "Terminator" or Jean Claude Van Dam. Not that
I wouldn't love to take on this challenge just to see how much
punishment I could take and besides it looks like there might actually
be some fun things to do here. I suspect the expectations and demands
would just burn me out. Oh wouldn't it be nice if people placing ads for
the IT sector had realistic expectations.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Kelsay
> I don't think I could work in such close proximity to all
> that beer. :-)