--- David Nicol wrote:
On 10/7/05, Jack quiet_celt@yahoo.com wrote:
--- David Nicol wrote:
if we're running out of free things we need to
the price ... it would even be funny. We could
the proceeds to linux international and the EFF.
I doubt that will work.
what part of it won't work? My claim is, we can prevent running out by charging for them. That won't work? Or are you saying that charging, at a trade show, for something that is generally offered for free, being the obverse of giving away, at a trade show, things that are generally sold, will not provoke ironic smiles?
Ah, missed your intentions. Yeah, that'd probably work, we probably wouldn't run out of CDs if we charged for them. Although it might be interesting to see what we might take in if we accepted donations for CDs and DVDs given out.