get yourself the binutils, the best would be svn trunk and build all the architectures, and then try objdump on them.
you can also try this : mipsel-linux-binutils
then when you have dumped the object files into assembler, you can also try and debug them. the gdb can be build for that architecture, you can also setup a chip emulator and be able to execute parts of the code. gdb also has a dissasm.
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 6:12 AM, Jack wrote:
Yes, it's called fair use. As long as I've never clicked though the agreement which limits my fair use rights. So if I decompile the software BEFORE agreeing to the license, then I'm in the clear, since I haven't agreed to the license. If I later decide, I'd like to compare my code against the Windows version and run it through some analytic tools, then I can install the software and agree to the license. Although that may open up some gray area, on whether I delay accepting an agreement in order to decompile, I think it would hold up in court since it is a fair use right, and I did not initially agree to the license. But, you never know what a court will say. However, I see no reason why I need to agree to the license and have not clicked through the license. In fact, I have never accepted any click-through license that limited my fair use rights, and never will. The Library of Congress has already spoken on the issue of decompiling software, and it is also one of the DMCA exceptions.
So, the answer is a definitive yes, I have the right to decompile code that was given to me on a CD in a first sale of a piece of hardware. I am not bound by any license agreements.
However, I'm not looking to decompile the Windows code, I'm looking to decompile the Mac code. Since I have never owned a Mac, it would be impossible for me to click-through and accept the license. Therefore, since I have no way to either accept or decline the license, I can't be said to have come to any kind of "meeting of the minds" agreement.
Lastly, I resent to see it implied that I have no right to decompile any code that falls into my possession in a legal manner. This reeks of the kind of FUD that certain large and obnoxious companies are pushing to strip away the Constitutional protections put in place by my ancestors who raped and pillaged this once beautiful land and threw off the yoke of the British in a brazen act of high treason so they could make more money, pay less taxes and play with guns. I'm no Republican Birther or Tea-partier, but I like my rights and intend to defend and keep them! Sony can have my US Constitution when they pry it out of my cold dead fingers!
Furthermore, I still don't get your point on decompiling code for a company one works for. If you worked for a company you'd likely have access to the source code, so why decompile? Again it's important to read the documents you sign when taking a position. When in doubt have a lawyer explain them to you. Not every agreement is enforceable either, there are some rights that can't be signed away, because doing so in a contract is considered onerous and null and void or in the case of giving over possession of your first-born child illegal and criminal.
Hope this clarifies things for you. However, IANAL so my opinion is illegal to give. Go get your own opinion, or that of a lawyer if you are in such a need.
Brian J.D,
ggggg-grandson of Jonathon Youmans and Joseph Allison (Revolutionary War Patriots), and others further out in sanguinity.
--- On Sun, 10/18/09, wrote:
From: Subject: Re: Decompilers To: "Jack" Cc: "Kclug" Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009, 11:49 PM Let me explain myself, If you are working for some huge company then you should be careful about decompiling code.
This however is for a product I purchased years
ago and still has no Linux driver. Ok, but you have a windows driver that you have the rights to decompile?
James, I'm not sure where you get that bit about
decompiling one's employer's code being illegal. Although, it might be a breach of contract if there is some signed document that was part of the hiring process or at some later date. If, that information were disclosed, there might also be trad secret issues, but to the best of my knowledge, that would be a civil complaint. Now selling that information to competitors that's corporate espionage and is criminal.