--- "Monty J. Harder" mjharder@gmail.com wrote:
I've done specific labels for Knoppix with both the Knoppix and KCLUG logos. If I know what the target is, I can handle it. But if we're able to get premade CDs, we don't need labels per se.
Well, there is the small matter of linking the fact that someone got a free CD with the point that they got the free CD from us. :)
On 10/11/05, Leo Mauler webgiant@yahoo.com wrote:
Has anyone done up a label for these and the other LiveCDs? I've done some basic ones in the past, are we going for a "KCLUG" label, or just a label which covers the contents of the CD: a specific Kubuntu label, a specific SuSE LiveCD label, a specific KNOPPIX label, etc.
BTW, 8.5x11" pages can be folded so as to fit INSIDE a CD sleeve. I'm just saying...
Oh, right. <sheepish grin>
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