A few lunches ago, someone jokingly suggested putting an Ubuntu CD in every
dorm room as a way to get rid of
all my spare CD-Rs I'm never gonna use. Since the people present were
receptive to the idea, I decided to follow up on it. The Ubuntu people
responded positively, but balked at the number we'd need.
So at this point we have a few choices:
* Make do with the 200 they've offered
* Make our own from CD-Rs and labels
* Ask for more from the right people within Ubuntu
* Find sponsorship …
[View More]from local and Ubuntu related interests (ie Canonical,
maybe Dell)
So what's needed from the LUG now is opinions on the options, and of course
alternative suggestions.
Justin Dugger
On 5/7/07, Marilize Coetzee <info(a)shipit.ubuntu.com > wrote:
> Hi Justin
> Thank you for contacting us.
> This is a wonderful idea, but unfortunately we cannot send you such a
> large number of CD's.
> The best I can do is 200.
> If you are interested, place an order on Shipit and use my name as
> reason for ordering.
> https://shipit.ubuntu.com/
> Kind regards
> Marilize
> Hi,
> I'm a member of Kansas State University's LUG, and we were
> thinking
> about promoting Linux usage on campus via Ubuntu. Personally, I
> use
> Ubuntu on all my computers and at the research lab, but our LUG
> is more
> diverse, involving gentoo devs and users of various other
> platforms.
> Still, the entire LUG seems to agree that Ubuntu is a great
> match for
> people new to linux, and we've handed out Dapper and Breezy CDs
> at
> previous events.
> We're thinking of doing something far more massive, potentially
> using over a 1000 CDs. We'd like to see about getting an Ubuntu
> CD
> placed in the care package the dorms place in students rooms at
> the
> beginning of the school year. Do you think our LUG needs to
> form a
> LoCo subgroup first to be considered for something on this
> scale? One
> thing I want to avoid is converting our LUG into a tool to
> promote a
> single platform, even if it's very good for some of our purposes
> ^_^
> I of course realize that this bulk request of CDs may be
> rejected as
> inefficient and AOL-like. The original idea came up as a way to
> dispense with the bulk CDs we've all purchased but realized
> we'll
> never use, and it occurred to me that shipIt might be a viable
> avenue
> for this, with excellent labels and inserts to boot.
> Justin Dugger
[View Less]
I usually one to promote free speech, however this is a travesty, I
would be one of those "LUSERS" who happen to be running a windows XP
(X3), Windows XP pro, Fedora 5 and Fedora 6 on different machines, Yes
that 6 different computers. The wife and I are moving to an all Linux
powered network
Your nasty attitude about window users is exactly the crap the put
me off from Linux for over a decade. From what I have read on this
forum, If I handed my 4 year old the keyboard she …
[View More]would still be more
productive then you at promoting Linux, mainly because she don't know
how to talk trash.
Both my wife are the so called "Least Common Denominator Users,"
Quite frankly I don't understand Linux, I don't know how to code , I
don't know all the in and outs, however I am learning it as I go. What I
do know is that I can install Fedora, Ubuntna, and Suse, and then get
open office to cover the applications, and livina to cover movies and
MP3s. With Linux seemingly o have everything built in I can google
warrior any problem and get it fixed. So far my job, friends and family
are impressed with the Linux system I put on their computers. I even got
a dude I gave some computers to through craigslist, to format his drives
and purge the illegal copy of Microsoft XP, and load fedora 6; He is
happy with Linux
At my job a twenty minute demonstration on a Linux laptop, got positive
responses. My boss and several of my coworkers are starting to play with
Linux, so far everyone has had good results in whatever application
their running
I climb off my hate-box now and ask for you to STFU and try doing
something productive like educating all the poor who have illegal copies
of Microsoft, on using a Linux system. You might find the "Least Common
Denominator Users," are actually pretty intelligent people who are
unaccustomed to the power of a Linux Machine and just need to be clued in
kclug-request(a)kclug.org wrote:
>Send Kclug mailing list submissions to
> kclug(a)kclug.org
>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://kclug.org/mailman/listinfo/kclug
>or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> kclug-request(a)kclug.org
>You can reach the person managing the list at
> kclug-owner(a)kclug.org
>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of Kclug digest..."
>Today's Topics:
> 1. Motherboard/Processor combo on ebay (Joe Brouhard)
> 2. What SuSE users think (Jonathan Hutchins)
> 3. Re: What SuSE users think (Oren Beck)
> 4. Re: What SuSE users think (Jonathan Hutchins)
> 5. Re: What SuSE users think (Jared Jennings)
>Message: 1
>Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 19:15:57 -0500
>From: "Joe Brouhard" <jbrouhard(a)gmail.com>
>Subject: Motherboard/Processor combo on ebay
>To: kclug(a)kclug.org, ubuntu-kc(a)googlegroups.com
> <a4f82ebc0705061715v1b1c27a0icce9b9dfd5fc9b55(a)mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>Just a FYI.. i'm selling a motherboard/processor combo on ebay. The
>reserve price is at $70.
[View Less]
RE: Earle Beason, 07May07
I'm normally just a reader of KCLUG but, after reading that particular post,
I'd like to put in my pocket change worth of comment.
I don't understand code either and am probably a "least common denominator
user" but, after spending many years wrangling around with the Gates Empire
software, it has been a joy and an education to work and play in the open
source code world. Thanks to KCLUG and Oren Beck in particular, I have
learned more about computing in less than a …
[View More]year than I ever did in the
lifetime prior to my inroduction to Linux. I don't have any particular axe
to grind concerning Windows, just the observation that, after experiencing
both Windows and Ubuntu/Kubuntu Linux, I'll happily take Linux any day. In
the short time I have been reading this digest I haven't really observed
anything truly hateful directed at Bill Gates/Windows, just a variety of
opinions and/or comparisons, so I feel that Earle's "nasty attitude about
window users" comment both inaccurate and unjustified.
And to everybody in the KCLUG community, thank you for your ongoing
dedication to the spirit of freedom!
Rev C.E. Aldinger
On 5/7/07, kclug-request(a)kclug.org <kclug-request(a)kclug.org> wrote:
> Send Kclug mailing list submissions to
> kclug(a)kclug.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://kclug.org/mailman/listinfo/kclug
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> kclug-request(a)kclug.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> kclug-owner(a)kclug.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Kclug digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Job Opportunity (Steven Danz)
> 2. Fwd: Ubuntu ShipIt (Justin Dugger)
> 3. Re: Fwd: Ubuntu ShipIt (Jonathan Hutchins)
> 4. Re: Ubuntu ShipIt (David Nicol)
> 5. Re: Kclug Digest, Vol 34, Issue 3 (Earle Beason)
> 6. Re: Kclug Digest, Vol 34, Issue 3 (Jonathan Hutchins)
> 7. Re: Ubuntu ShipIt (Monty J. Harder)
> 8. Free to good home... (Steven Danz)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 07 May 2007 13:29:34 -0500
> From: Steven Danz <steven-danz(a)kc.rr.com>
> Subject: Job Opportunity
> To: kclug <kclug(a)kclug.org>
> Message-ID: <463F700E.8060802(a)kc.rr.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> All,
> For anyone looking for a Linux sys admin (and more) position, this just
> came up where I work:
> http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/jobsearch.asp?q=Aviation+Weather+Center&jb…
> If you have any questions, just ask!
> Steven
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 7 May 2007 14:14:40 -0500
> From: "Justin Dugger" <jldugger(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: Fwd: Ubuntu ShipIt
> To: KCLUG <kclug(a)kclug.org>
> Message-ID:
> <816bc7510705071214w74e309e6jf32efbbe41797b0(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> A few lunches ago, someone jokingly suggested putting an Ubuntu CD in
> every
> dorm room as a way to get rid of
> all my spare CD-Rs I'm never gonna use. Since the people present were
> receptive to the idea, I decided to follow up on it. The Ubuntu people
> responded positively, but balked at the number we'd need.
> So at this point we have a few choices:
> * Make do with the 200 they've offered
> * Make our own from CD-Rs and labels
> * Ask for more from the right people within Ubuntu
> * Find sponsorship from local and Ubuntu related interests (ie Canonical,
> maybe Dell)
> So what's needed from the LUG now is opinions on the options, and of
> course
> alternative suggestions.
> Justin Dugger
> On 5/7/07, Marilize Coetzee <info(a)shipit.ubuntu.com > wrote:
> >
> > Hi Justin
> >
> > Thank you for contacting us.
> >
> > This is a wonderful idea, but unfortunately we cannot send you such a
> > large number of CD's.
> > The best I can do is 200.
> > If you are interested, place an order on Shipit and use my name as
> > reason for ordering.
> > https://shipit.ubuntu.com/
> >
> > Kind regards
> > Marilize
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm a member of Kansas State University's LUG, and we were
> > thinking
> > about promoting Linux usage on campus via Ubuntu. Personally, I
> > use
> > Ubuntu on all my computers and at the research lab, but our LUG
> > is more
> > diverse, involving gentoo devs and users of various other
> > platforms.
> > Still, the entire LUG seems to agree that Ubuntu is a great
> > match for
> > people new to linux, and we've handed out Dapper and Breezy CDs
> > at
> > previous events.
> >
> > We're thinking of doing something far more massive, potentially
> > using over a 1000 CDs. We'd like to see about getting an Ubuntu
> > CD
> > placed in the care package the dorms place in students rooms at
> > the
> > beginning of the school year. Do you think our LUG needs to
> > form a
> > LoCo subgroup first to be considered for something on this
> > scale? One
> > thing I want to avoid is converting our LUG into a tool to
> > promote a
> > single platform, even if it's very good for some of our purposes
> > ^_^
> >
> > I of course realize that this bulk request of CDs may be
> > rejected as
> > inefficient and AOL-like. The original idea came up as a way to
> > dispense with the bulk CDs we've all purchased but realized
> > we'll
> > never use, and it occurred to me that shipIt might be a viable
> > avenue
> > for this, with excellent labels and inserts to boot.
> >
> > Justin Dugger
> >
> >
> >
[View Less]
I have a 'standard' 79" tall server rack that I need to clear out of the
garage for anyone that wants to come get it. Solid panels on three sides
with two power strips and a fan in the top. I'm located down around
Stanley, just south of OP.
I cannot agree with you on this statement.
It's about time for a distribution to be available that would work for
the corporate environment. There are many admins wanting to use a Linux
Distribution because of the stability, but cannot because there is not a
distribution available that has the product, technical, or corporate
There are so many other distributions available that do not and will not
care about the "BOTTOM" technical skilled user, that for one company to
do this will …
[View More]not effect you.
On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 10:26 -0500, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
> By "lusers", I mean Least Common Denominator Users - the kind I really
> wish
> Linux would not try to recruit. Let Bill Gates have the bottom end of
> the
> cesspit. Linux is for people who can and want to understand and
> control what
> their computer is doing. Those who don't want to know should stick
> with
> Windows.
[View Less]
I'm looking for speakers for the Kansas State University Local Users
Group (http://k-slug.org/). We're a student and staff oriented group
with a fairly knowledgeable Linux user base, but we're looking to
expand membership and our hope is for many more novice users come
fall. We'd like expand our speakers roster in the coming year, so
we're looking for speakers related to Linux and open source
technologies. Preferably speakers are the people who made the tools
they're presenting, but …
[View More]previous talks have been done by advanced
users with great success.
If your company is looking to hire new students, giving a talk is
probably a good way to pick up interested and talented individuals
(and get out of the office for a bit! ^_^). KSU is located in
Manhattan and is about two hour's drive from KC. If you have any
questions, email me or try #k-slug on Freenode.
Justin Dugger
[View Less]
Starting this month will be the first official meeting of the Kansas City
Asterisk User Group (http://www.kcaug.net). The location of the meeting
will be at the Daily Dose Bar & Coffee House, in Overland Park. Meetings
will be held on the last Sunday of every month (the 27th for this month)
at 2pm.
If you have ideas or topics you'd like to discuss please let me know and
we can work something out.
They serve coffee and alcohol, so it should be a good meeting. :)
Full address:
[View More]Daily Dose Bar & Coffee House
(Northwest corner of 135th and Quivera, facing Quivera)
12056 W 135th St
Overland Park, KS 66221
Kyle Sexton
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