He he he ... William Jewell had a working z80 with a teletype
that we had to write a program for in a lab I took there
back in the early 90s. They used to have a little museum
with an Altair, a CP/M and I think an IMSAI too. Don't know
if it's still there. Those old things are worth money now...
to collectors. Maybe I should slap mine back together and
put it up for sale on EBay.
-----Original Message-----
From: Leonard, Phil
... I used to have this connected to
an old Z80 CP/M box (Digital Group if anyone remember them)
for a printer. Nothing like switching a 120V DC current-loop
from one pin of a parallel port to drive the monster
(darlington pair). Yee Haw, those were the days, writing the
"driver" in Z80 assembly directly into the BIOS. I still
have the computer but the Teletype is long gone.