So mainly to keep track of the participants in the game and the monsters and machines that inhabit the invented game universe. Also to predict the motion of the game player so the monsters may realistically challenge the player and not act like idiots. Correct?
Brian Kelsay
Brian Kelsay
Jason Clinton 11/29/04 02:51PM >>>
Brian Kelsay wrote:
How exactly is Calc III helpful? Just curious.
Well, stuff like rectilinear motion, Jacobian transforms, vector fields, motion along a curve, parametric curves, ... all in 3-space.
Brian Kelsay wrote:
So mainly to keep track of the participants in the game and the monsters and machines that inhabit the invented game universe. Also to predict the motion of the game player so the monsters may realistically challenge the player and not act like idiots. Correct?
Yep. All newtonian physics.