Brian Kelsay
Oren Beck 10/04/04 04:10PM >>>
Rob Becker wrote:
This doesn't answer your question regarding a specific distro, but whatever distro you use, carefully audit all services that run at start. With a machine that is not connected to a network, many of your network services can be disabled. Also look at running a light desktop manager like ICEWM. If there is any budget at all for adding RAM and or a newer HD, it may be well worth your time to do so. A P2/200 will be sufficient for the duties you suggest, but a faster HD and more RAM will make things much speedier. Good luck with it. Rob
Regarding "Light" desktops - the issue to my limited observation is lighter footprint seemingly must equal less intuitive. I mean that as both to legacy interface users and " Zero experience" users too . Listing the exact quirks may be a future project but for now I need the design mentality to be bug resistance and newbie tolerance over eye candy or blazing speed . Installing a canned distro then tweaking it along your suggestions may be the way this goes - Thanks for the help and sorry for the delay in replying .
If you want lightweight and an intuitive interface for the user only exposed to Windows, then you want fvwm or Icewm. Ice is better looking. Ice comes on Knoppix, Debian, Libranet, and many others. You can load it fairly easily on most distros. It can be themed, since everyone seems to love themes. It comes w/ a "start" button in the lower left corner that works similarly to Windows. You will likely have 64MB or less ram and a 1-4MB video card in the old machine. Icewm works fine in this situation. Even lighter is fluxbox, but no "start" button. The average user would be scared off. The menu is just a right click away, but it's not worth your trouble.
If there is a distro you need burned then let someone know today as soon as possible. I got the Xandros you requested, but haven't burned yet. Later,