Rolling Hills Consolidated Library is looking for a professional web designer to redo our website. The site is currently written in simple HTML, and is a collection of hand coding and NVU/Mozilla composer created pages. We want to have the coding updated to reflect current best practices, including CSS, and have some code cleaning done. We will also be adding a few pages and looking for creative redesign of some pages, including our "teen" and "children's" pages. We might have some simple java/javascript or flash done, but nothing extensive.
An absolute requirement will be that the site is OS and browser agnostic, ie, Linux/Unix/Apple (and all the others) friendly. We expect frequent communication and perhaps even an occasional in-person meeting, so our preference would be a company in the KC/St. Joseph area.
I would appreciate any references or suggestions.
Greg Lawson Network Administrator Rolling Hills Consolidated Library 1912 N. Belt Highway St. Joseph, MO 64506 816-232-5479 x2303 glawson att