On my work PC, I can't view this image on IE 6.0.2800.1106xpsp2.050301-1526 after installing Adobe's SVG viewer. I do see that there is a box with a disabled scrollbar and I see the text.
I have Firefox 1.07 also, which doesn't have a plug-in AFAIK. I don't want to update this browser until it comes out of Beta. Mozilla 1.7.8 shows text only. K-Meleon 0.9 shows text only. Netscape 4.7 shows nothing Netscape 8.0.4 shows text only. No plug-in. Mozilla 1.7.12 shows text only. Amaya 9.2.2 shows text only. It is supposed to be able to show SVG, but it doesn't like that image on your site.
Opera 8.5 Success!! This is the only browser that actually shows the image for me. And it scales!! I didn't have a previous version of Opera installed to test, so I don't know how new this feature is.
******************************************* If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside. - Robert X. Cringely
-----Original Message----- From: Behalf Of Jason Dewayne Clinton Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 2:10 AM
Some of you may remember that some time ago we discussed making websites
in Flash. At the time I strongly objected and suggested that some day SVG would be able to handle the resolution independent rendering which Flash offers without all the accessibility problems. Well I'm very excited to share that I think that day has finally arrived (or almost has).
Firefox 1.5 RC1 was released today and with it comes support for SVG. This adds to the list of browsers supporting SVG: Opera and Konqueror which is a total of roughly 13% of the browser market. Add to that the IE Adobe SVG Plugin for IE6 (85%) and the picture starts to look pretty rosy.
I have put up a proof of concept at [1]. Please give it a good work-out.
It will not work in Konqueror <3.4, Opera <8 or Firefox <1.5. IE 6 doesn't allow rescaling fonts but it does display the content correctly.
[1] http://jasonclinton.com/calig_test.html
I strongly feel that this is the future of the web and I'm looking forward to playing around with HTML+SVG. Let me know your thoughts!
On Tuesday 08 November 2005 08:33 am, Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO wrote:
Hum. That's very interesting. I just checked it on IE6 6.0.3xxx and it seems to be working; could you check the Adobe[1] web site and see if those work for you? IE will usually generate an empty box with a disabled scroll bar when it encounters an object tag that it doesn't have a plugin for. If it works at Adobe's site then I'll need to tweak my code.
[1] http://www.adobe.com/svg/examples
Yea, Firefox 1.5 or greater.
Netscape 4.7 shows nothing
Thanks for testing this one but NS4 is dead. They have <0.1% of the market left.
Netscape 8.0.4 shows text only. No plug-in. Mozilla 1.7.12 shows text only.
Yea, Firefox 1.5 or greater.
Amaya 9.2.2 shows text only. It is supposed to be able to show SVG, but it doesn't like that image on your site.
Unfortunately, Amaya has lots of problems. If they had more developers they could probably come up with a nice test suite browser.
Cool! Thanks for testing all of these!
--- Jason Dewayne Clinton wrote:
Hmm that's odd. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. It works in my Mozilla 1.7.12 version, but the first time I opened the page it complained about SVG and fonts. I don't see an SVG plug-in, but there are lots of plug-ins installed.
However, seeing the code of the page, I have to say so what. The graphic is defined in ems. Any graphic described as ems would size with the changing of size in the font. However, I've never seen a graphic listed as an object on a web page before. Still, it should be possible to use style sheets with a web page and get the graphic scaling achieved here. The only difference I see, it the lack of pixelation of standard graphics.
While SVG is cool, I don't see much use for this on the web. I consider it a publishing format or an engineering format. But then I also don't like to see website with flash either, so I'm definitely not in the majority opinion group. ;')
Also, on another reply. If you are having difficulty reading street names on a map output at 600 dpi, then you're probably printing the map too small (or you might need a magnifying glass). Commercial maps are printed at resolutions of 300 dpi. Your problem isn't pixel or point related. A point is printed out at 1/72". All printers do this. If your printer doesn't then there is something wrong with your printer, or you're not using printer fonts, or the map you are printing is not to scale with the printer, or the printer is configured to "shrink to fit". Remember you can't rely on any web page being WYSIWYG.
JMHO, Brian JD