Actually, I think it would be a good enhancement to dpkg, but I think it should be a new option like: dpkg -i --bldpkg package.src.conf, or dpkg -i --zbldpkg package.tar.gz depending on whether you've already built a config for the build or not. Of course, it would require the installer know something about what the depends are for program. I'm not sure how checkinstall or pkgwrite know what to put into the depends section or even if they do. This might be a major stumbling block for these two utilities. After all anyone can download a targz file and compile/install it. Having it actually work after doing so or actually getting it to compile if you are missing a library or two is an entirely different thing.
Brian Densmore
-----Original Message----- From: Brian Kelsay
Looks like either checkinstall or pkgwrite will fit the bill for now. I wonder if anyone ever thought of adding a connection to either of these from Synaptic, Aptitude, or one of the GUI RPM installers (Karchiver?). It would be really sweet if I could just run "dpkg -i package.tar.gz" and it would build the .deb and install it. Maybe if it asks a few questions, like confirm the version, arch., or a few other details with the ability to skip and you'd be set. dpkg already gets called by apt-get and apt-get is called by the gui installers, etc.
Brian Kelsay
Brian Densmore wrote:
Actually, I think it would be a good enhancement to dpkg, but I think it should be a new option like: dpkg -i --bldpkg package.src.conf, or dpkg -i --zbldpkg package.tar.gz
Well, a variation on that already exists as a part of dpkg: