Does Xpdf, Open Office or KOffice allow you to open pdf files in edit mode? I was pretty sure that one of these does. I think you still need to have ImageMagick installed because it is used on the backend.
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Jason Clinton Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 7:04 PM Subject: Re: Using Gimp to print part of a page in a .pdf file
On Wednesday 8 June 2005 18:43, Gary Hildebrand wrote:
So far, I've tried the pdf to jpg conversion, and all I get
is the first
page. There has to be some means of advancing through the
pages in the
pdf file to get the rest. Maybe there's something in the
Adobe Reader
program that might do that. If not, there should be . . . . .
Somewhere around 300 DPI should be enough for your purposes so, make sure ImageMagick is installed and do a little math:
300 x 8.5 in = 2550 pixels wide by 300 x 11 in = 3,300 pixels tall
$ convert -size 2550x3300 mypdf.pdf mypdf_page%02d.jpg
And that's it!
See `man ImageMagick` and `man convert` if you get lost.
On 6/9/05, Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO wrote:
Does Xpdf, Open Office or KOffice allow you to open pdf files in edit mode? I was pretty sure that one of these does. I think you still need to have ImageMagick installed because it is used on the backend.
I think I used for editing/adding to a .pdf, but I was not able to change the actually original pdf only add to it (Application for loan, to make it as professional as I could). I don't know about xpdf editing or KOffice editing.