The KCLUG Microblog just got a major upgrade to version 0.7.1, a facelift, and a shiny new host at Linode, a Free Software Day 2008 sponsor.
Features: - Send and receive notices using any XMPP/Jabber Client. - Send and receive notices from your email client or cell phone. - Send and receive private messages between users. - No sign up required. Bring your OpenID and pick a nickname. - If you have a GMail account, or a Yubikey, you already have OpenID. - Cleaner, less noisy interface. - Automatically echo your posts to twitter if you have a twitter account. - Implements twitter API so twitter clients should work with it. - Subscribe to people on OTHER SITES and vice versa. Federated network. No single point of failure. - Export your posts and social network data at any time. No lock-in. - Start, join, or subscribe to groups of like-minded people. - Subscribe to all, just a group, or just a person with your RSS reader. - Instantly keep in touch with all other Members. - Client software available for most smart phones and OSes. - IPv6 accessible. (I wonder if that will ever be used.) - All Creative Commons 3.0 content, and AGPL 3.0 software.
Why Microblog?: - Heck if I know, but people seem to like it. - Share how lunch tasted, or what you just stepped in. - Annoy your friends in 140 characters or less!
What existing users should know: - The URL has changed from to - The Email bot has changed from to - The Jabber bot has changed from to - Your same logon still works, and the XX's in the of your private posting alias have not changed. - Your profile data should have transferred over correctly, but there are now more fields to fill out if you choose. - Groups are a new feature. - These changes were made so you can save some keystrokes on your mobile devices.
If your wanting to check for new posts using your iPhone or iPod Touch, you can add the hostname: to any of the application programs that support the laconica network. I use Nambu on my iTouch and it seems to work well.
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Billy Crook wrote:
The KCLUG Microblog just got a major upgrade to version 0.7.1, a facelift, and a shiny new host at Linode, a Free Software Day 2008 sponsor.
- Send and receive notices using any XMPP/Jabber Client.
- Send and receive notices from your email client or cell phone.
- Send and receive private messages between users.
- No sign up required. Bring your OpenID and pick a nickname.
- If you have a GMail account, or a Yubikey, you already have OpenID.
- Cleaner, less noisy interface.
- Automatically echo your posts to twitter if you have a twitter account.
- Implements twitter API so twitter clients should work with it.
- Subscribe to people on OTHER SITES and vice versa. Federated
network. No single point of failure.
- Export your posts and social network data at any time. No lock-in.
- Start, join, or subscribe to groups of like-minded people.
- Subscribe to all, just a group, or just a person with your RSS reader.
- Instantly keep in touch with all other Members.
- Client software available for most smart phones and OSes.
- IPv6 accessible. (I wonder if that will ever be used.)
- All Creative Commons 3.0 content, and AGPL 3.0 software.
Why Microblog?:
- Heck if I know, but people seem to like it.
- Share how lunch tasted, or what you just stepped in.
- Annoy your friends in 140 characters or less!
What existing users should know:
- The URL has changed from Laconica.KCLUG.com
- The Email bot has changed from to
- The Jabber bot has changed from to
- Your same logon still works, and the XX's in the of your private posting alias have not changed.
- Your profile data should have transferred over correctly, but there
are now more fields to fill out if you choose.
- Groups are a new feature.
- These changes were made so you can save some keystrokes on your
mobile devices. _______________________________________________ Kclug mailing list
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Billy Crook wrote:
- The URL has changed from to
- The Email bot has changed from to
- The Jabber bot has changed from to
I don't know how I missed this before...
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Billy Crook wrote:
- The URL has changed from to
- The Email bot has changed from to
- The Jabber bot has changed from to
I don't know how I missed this before...
Yes, it's on Billy Crook's server, not the "official"(?) KCLUG server.
Official is a funny word when talking about a group with no organization. :-)
On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 13:55, Chris Bier wrote:
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Billy Crook wrote: I don't know how I missed this before...
Yes, it's on Billy Crook's server, not the "official"(?) KCLUG server.
Official is a funny word when talking about a group with no organization. :-)
I originally registered the .com domain when who ever had 'official' control over the .org one was having trouble keeping the DNS servers up, so that there would still be some way to get to the site. I run DNS slaves too now which obviates some of the need for the alternate domain name. has an A record pointing to the same server that serves If that box or its colo went offline the site would go down, but that hasn't happened very often.