I thought you Linux geeks might be interested in this webcast that KCLUG member Michael Morgan will be doing of my show (and my son Tommy) on April 8 from Toto's Coffeehouse.
A huge thanks to my friend Michael for handling this webcast. Thanks very much Michael! Thanks also go out to Cymor a.k.a. Chris for hosting the feed. Thanks guys. This should be fun!
BTW, some of my music is available under a Creative Commons license at my website listed below. Enjoy!
Peace, Jim Herrmann
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Musical Progress]Live Webcast from Toto's on April 8 Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 00:53:21 -0500 From: jim@musicalprogress.org To: jim@musicalprogress.org
We are going to be doing a live audio webcast from Toto's Coffeehouse on April 8. You'll be able to listen in at one of these two web addresses starting at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday April 8, 2006.
http://www.cymor.com:8000/live http://www.cymor.com:8000/live.m3u
The plan is to have video available for download sometime after the show. When that is available, I will post a link here.
So, if you can't make it out to the show, you can listen in from your computer, any where in the world. If you can make it to the show, please come and be a part of the live audience for this broadcast.
The above message can be found here: http://jim.musicalprogress.org/Webcast04082006
You'll see it if you just go to the front page: http://jim.musicalprogress.org
Peace, Jim