my server nfs-exports / to certain peers. / is ext3fs. There is a mount point /bulky which is reiserfs.
changes occuring on /bulky are not reflected in the nfs clients' views.
nfs has been shut down and restarted with no effect. The clients see a picture of /bulky that is very out of date.
Anyone know what might be happening?
On 2/9/07, Jason D. Clinton wrote:
On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 15:19 -0600, David Nicol wrote:
changes occuring on /bulky are not reflected in the nfs clients' views.
Is there data underneath the mount on the ext3 file system?
No, and after unmounting it to check and remounting the reiser, there is still nothing visible in there from the nfs clients. i suppose I will try exporting /bulky and mounting /bulky as its own deal and see if that works.