So how did you do on the test Bill? What are some good study materials and was there any part you found difficult, challenging, poorly worded, obscure, etc.?
-----Original Message-----
On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 10:58 -0700, Linux Rocks wrote:
I was considering to pursue a Linux certification. According to your opinion which certification is better or more rewarding to pursue, if any.
Thank you in advance.
Novell's CLP (Certified Linux Professional) and CLE (Certified Linux Engineer) are both avail for testing in voth MO, and KS vicinities around KC.
CLP is based on SLES9 and for the CLE I would wait till June when an updated version of the test is available.
On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 10:35 -0500, Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO wrote:
So how did you do on the test Bill? What are some good study materials and was there any part you found difficult, challenging, poorly worded, obscure, etc.?
Its practicum based (given a task, you perform it). No questions/answers are part of test, takes couple hours.
General administration, with focus on security, would be a good description. Creating users, installing software with yast from cli, gui, and using rpm. Securing ssh, ie only allowing certain users to shell in.
Novell Certified Linux Professional Study Guide, is a good resource. You can download, SLES9, with 30days of updates for free from
On Tue, April 19, 2005 12:22 pm, Bill Cavalieri said:
On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 10:35 -0500, Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO wrote:
So how did you do on the test Bill?
Creating users, installing software with yast from cli, gui, and using rpm.
Typical Novell cert.
"Is he breathing?"
"Sign him up."
One more sale.
Interesting this came up on /.