At the regularly scheduled KCLUG Meeting tomorrow I will collect more funds for the LUG server upgrades. I believe we are about $60 from our goal so that bigger, better drives and a controller can be purchased. Chris Bier will not be present at the meeting and I'm not sure about Bill C., so I will make sure the funds get to one of them in time for the hardware purchase.
Only give if you are able. Checks can be made out to Bill Cavalieri w/ a ref. to KCLUG Server Fund in the memo.
Brian Kelsay
Quoting Brian Kelsay
At the regularly scheduled KCLUG Meeting tomorrow I will collect more funds for the LUG server upgrades.
Anyone from Lawrence attending the meeting tomorrow and willing to ferry a check?
-- Dave Hull
On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 15:29 -0600, Brian Kelsay wrote:
At the regularly scheduled KCLUG Meeting tomorrow I will collect more funds for the LUG server upgrades. I believe we are about $60 from our goal so that bigger, better drives and a controller can be purchased. Chris Bier will not be present at the meeting and I'm not sure about Bill C., so I will make sure the funds get to one of them in time for the hardware purchase.
Only give if you are able. Checks can be made out to Bill Cavalieri w/ a ref. to KCLUG Server Fund in the memo.
We have $221 on hand, and $55 in pledges. So if all the pledges come in, we will have just enough.
Just a reminder, if anyone has spare pc133 ecc reg ram (128+), we would love to take it off you hands. LUG server has 512mb, would like to bump it up a bit.
Thanks for all the efforts.
I'm planning on being at this Wed's meeting.