Good afternoon everyone and happy Friday! :)
A quick update on the Ubuntu install on the laptop for my church - that worked great but we experienced a hardware failure in the laptop last Sunday so that sort of took the wind out of our sails. :(
I have a different sort of problem and it's beyond my expertise because I'm a infant when it comes to networks, NATs, TCPIP, etc.
So, here goes.
First, a survey. What happens when you go to this URL:
Do you see a login screen?
More and more of my church members are getting blocked somewhere, by their employers and in some cases the military, I suspect because I'm doing a port forward through my router on port 81 to the webserver behind the router.
I have two webservers at home, the church server (port forward to 81) and my own personal webserver (the normal HTTP port of 80 is forwarded to it).
If it's being blocked because of port 81, should I just switch them?
Or should I use Squid on my personal webserver to somehow do the forwarding from my webserver to the church webserver, all on port 80? (This is where I need help because I've tried reading the Squid documentation and my mind just starts to wonder and get lost).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I will even go so far as to allow someone (briefly) access via my SSH tunnel (if you provide your IP address so I can add it to hosts.allow).
Thanks again and have a great day and an even better weekend.
Jon Moss
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Jon Moss wrote:
I see the login page. Apache has a built in proxy that can forward requests for the other server. It's called a reverse proxy. ( I would guess that it's probably being blocked because it's on 81.