Of course! The Abacus was probably around during Sun Tzu's time.
For the low, low price of $19.95 I can sell you the Sucaba computer. It runs off of kinetic energy and is self-charging. It is environmentally friendly and will not put nasty lead back into the environment when it is recycled. It's user viewing interface is easy on the eyes and the keyboard is designed to reduce RSI. It's lighter than the average laptop and more durable. Compute like the ancients, get a Sucaba today!!
Brian Kelsay
Gerald Combs <> 02/16/05 01:25PM >>>
Jason Clinton wrote:
On Wednesday 16 February 2005 10:49, Brian Densmore wrote:
Tzu's Art of War :: Microsoft Press). Overloading functions is taken from c/c++. Something that could be done most likely with java code.
Actually I believe it comes from LISP or possibly Smalltalk or its predecessor Simula.
Next you'll be telling us that there were personal computers before the IBM PC. Sheesh.