Big survey of SuSE users:
Pretty much what I would expect, the majority are lusers who still run Windows.
On 5/6/07, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
Big survey of SuSE users:
Pretty much what I would expect, the majority are lusers who still run Windows.
I have to share an observation here. The comment about Windows users sadly makes us appear uncouth. If we wish to have our views about Linux taken seriously our conduct has to be better than that. Yes, "we" might justify an "Us Vs Them" mindset especially if we've been self educated and are good at what we do. However, that will not make many converts. Educating and converting the Windows user base is complicated enough. What made me need to comment?
A quite real risk of frankly ticking off some one who otherwise could become one more Linux user
Oren Beck
"We are judged for what we say less than how we say it"
On Monday 07 May 2007 07:42:07 am Oren Beck wrote:
The comment about Windows users sadly makes us appear uncouth.
Well, gee, sorry about that. I didn't know we were so worried. Maybe I should ditchf the biker jacket so you can look more couth.
To explain my shorthand, what I meant was that they are below-average in technical skill, able to install software if provided with an automated installer, but not able to troubleshoot or correct problems. That's what the survey says.
By "lusers", I mean Least Common Denominator Users - the kind I really wish Linux would not try to recruit. Let Bill Gates have the bottom end of the cesspit. Linux is for people who can and want to understand and control what their computer is doing. Those who don't want to know should stick with Windows.
Another interesting observation from the SuSE survey: A vast majority of SuSE users have been running Linux for less than a year.