On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Julie betelgeuse67stang@yahoo.com wrote:
To Hal and any others who haven't been able to replicate this:
I've had RR service to my home ever since they came to KC and I couldn't replicate "it" either until I had Road Runner reset my modem (a Toshiba PCX2600 that I've had for just about four years now). I'd been having trouble with getting onto and navigating the Net. So I called RR to have them 'ping' my modem to see what the problem was (I've gone through about four modems during my time with RR). They reset it, told me I now have four IPs instead of one...for the exact same price; we'll see when I get my next bill... and that it works fine now, which it does.
More accurately, they will only allow you 4 IPs, ie. 4 devices with their own public IP address... it's more of a restriction than a favor they are doing you. But it is better than only having 1 IP i guess.