-----Original Message----- From: kclug-bounces@kclug.org [mailto:kclug-bounces@kclug.org] On Behalf Of Jim Herrmann Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 1:48 AM To: kclug Subject: Q1 04 Meeting schedule
FYI, I'm not going to be able to make any meetings for a few months, so I would recommend that someone else book the room for the next quarter.
Thanks, Jim
Oddly enough, I'm finding my own schedule becoming much more stable and manageable as we move into 2005. Heck, I might even make it to meetings with some regularity on alternating Tuesdays.
For those who do not yet know, I have accepted a Project Manager position at the University of Kansas Medical Center. I'll be involved with, among other things, a number of Linux systems at the Hoglund Brain Imaging Center. They're involved in some heady stuff there (grr... terrible pun!) including MRI and MEG imaging systems, and one of only two fetal MEG stations in the world. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited when I get up in the morning these days.
I don't think I'm organized enough to make good on scheduling use of the room at the Library, particularly if it requires repeated invocation of a process. (I don't self-cron well.) It would, however, be helpful for future reference to post some information on the process, who to contact at the Library, and all that good junk.