This is where I think the whole thing gets a little bit tricky, the articles I read seemed set up to try and start a panic among less technical people. I wouldn't be surprised if we see people who go wardriving without acessing the networks getting arrested soon. It will be interesting to see what the charge will be.
I believe the guy in Florida was charged with network intrusion. I think it will all come down to whether or not his lawyer can convince the judge that accessing a network that has been intentionally left open is not "intruding". If this is the case it will probably lead to a legal precedent and a lot of confusion.
I mean you have open networks that have been left open, open networks where the owner doesn't know how to close it, closed networks that have been cracked, closed networks that have been cracked by somebody else and look open. Plus the issues of usage and intent. Should get interesting.
--- Matthew Copple wrote:
It is widely accepted that breaking into someone's computer and using it without their consent is a crime, or at the very least, a Bad Thing To Do -- even if the user invites a takeover attempt by failing to secure his system. Walking into someone's house without her permission is also a crime, even if the owner leaves the door and windows wide open. Hopping into an unlocked car and taking it for a drive (even if you return it) is still theft.
How would jumping on someone's wi-fi connection be any different?