Pardon me if I'm being a link-post-nut, but I keep finding good links to stuff that might be of interest in a (the) mapping project. I don't want to link to the whole archive of blog posts that these come from, as it does contain NSFW images, so I'm just linking the particular entries. Like this one: - A full day of usage mapping for a members only 10,000 user website, with an animation of it and how it was made. - I'm not sure if he's still up for it, but he offered to make the same thing for other websites. - Examples of more data - Tweaking and featurizing - Wondered what else bot-nets do? Ask they guy who runs a site attacked by them (for years), and who keeps records. And likes analyzing and modeling statistical data and locating where the nets are located. Way better guy to talk to than some "security expert" who tracked down a few bot-net attacks and *speculates* on what they try to do.
If one doesn't mind some NSFW images and some rather disturbing images once in a while, there are myriad cool techy posts in his blog. A lot of his little tools and widgets are free, if you can find them. He does so much odd stuff that even he has a hard time finding it again at times...
As I've mentioned, even just from a consulting stand point, he's a good person to ask about filtering/modeling data, gathering public info from various govt servers, etc. From his own projects alone I know one can get high res world images and name to location tables, etc. Sometimes the odd people are the ones who do or have already done a lot of the work for you.