Ahhh, my TI994A! 16K of RAM! Cassette tape reader using plain old 60 minute cassette tapes!
I wrote a car driving game for it in BASIC. I might still have the cassette tape somewhere (it took 10 minutes to load).
--- David Nicol davidnicol@gmail.com wrote:
i was very happy with my texas instruments personal computer
I even wrote a Tetris for it in Scheme it was sold in a garage sale, I wonder where it is now.
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 09:40:57 -0600, Brian Densmore DensmoreB@ctbsonline.com wrote:
10.77 MHz 100% IBM PC XT clone with 20MG MFM Harddrive
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===== And I always thought: the very simplest words Must be enough. When I say what things are like Everyone's heart must be torn to shreds. That you'll go down if you don't stand up for yourself Surely you see that.
-- Bertolt Brecht
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