Yes, I wrote that and sent it into the list. Then I read what I had written. Then I remembered that not everyone is Paris Hilton, and that not everyone can get out of jail free with a mental health issue (or a "skin rash").
--- Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
On Monday 27 August 2007 07:39:17 am Leo Mauler wrote:
He could put up a Windows box with the tracking software, share its Internet out over a local network, and use Ubuntu on a second computer that gets all its Internet from the Windows computer.
I'm glad so many of you have never known or been involved with someone who has served time and is on probation. Even -thinking- about ways to evade and avoid the intent of your restrictions is a bad idea. It puts you in entirely the wrong frame of mind to complete the probation successfully.
The object is not to comply with the letter of the terms and blatantly violate them at the same time. the object is to do EXACTLY what is expected and requested of you, because the ONLY alternative is to return to prison and serve the remainder of your sentence.
If they want you to stand on your head and spit jelly beans, you'd better get good at it, because there's only ONE alternative.
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