On 11/8/05, Sexton, Kyle ksexton@gsihosting.com wrote:
Oh, I just ran into something where a small utility would help out. Basically I needed something that would be just like cp or mv, but would give the transfer rate of the file copy. Lot's of programs do this (scp, ftp, wget, etc...), but I don't think there is a way to have cp do it. I could use 'time', but that's no fun. :)
Kyle Sexton
#!/usr/bin/perl ($source,$dest) = @ARGV; open S, "<$source" or die "opening $source for read: $!"; open D, ">$dest" or die "opening $dest for write: $!"; $time = time(); while(<S>){ $count++; $bytes += length($_); print '.'; if ($time != time()){ print "\n$count lines ($bytes chars) per second\n"; $bytes = $count = 0; $time = time(); }; print D $_; }; print "\n"; __END__
plenty of opportunities for fun in extending that :)
-- David L Nicol A room without books is perfect for watching television