On the contrary. A mis-dated message to a list, especially a tech list, is like a loud fart in an elevator - and there's no doubt who did it.
So to apply a mercy killing to this thread- "No more ClockNazis."
This wasn't suppose to be a fartwar/flamewar/ClockNazis/stuff/more stuff/something. I think I was just noting that your time was off and it would be nice if you fix it.
I have an OpenBSD box running OpenNTPD. When a local box time is off (running linux, and soon to be at boottime it will run rdate -s OpenBSD_IP) I just rdate -s OpenBSD_IP and is jumps the time to the server. Then OpenNTPD client on the linux box keeps the time in sync.
Software: http://www.ntp.org/ http://www.openntpd.org/