--- Jonathan Hutchins hutchins@tarcanfel.org wrote:
There is a reason. It's not some sort of strange conspiracy or security back door.
They keep the data on removable drives so that the drives can be locked in a safe when they're not in use, and they are supposed to lock said drives in said safe any time they are not actually using the data. It's that simple.
So what you are saying is that they think that a network is more easily compromised than a physical security "sneakernet"? Seems it *is* a security back door they're concerned about.
Yeah, there are flaws in the plan, but that's the reason for it.
Its not a bad plan, provided you spend the money keeping the employees locked in the office with both the hard drive safe and the workstations while both are in use. Ideally you would disable or confiscate the employee's "door to the outside" keycard while the hard drive was in his possession.
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