Leo Mauler wrote:
--- Jon Pruente jdpruente@gmail.com wrote:
I also don't think there's a rollback: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/ 15631 But you can try: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto as linked to from that first link.
I'm thinking I'm going to want to re-install completely if it comes to downgrading Ubuntu, mostly because of the last line after the last step in downgrading Ubuntu:
"The last step probably will end up a catastrophic mess of incompletely installed packages."
I don't know about ubuntu, but I had to downgrade a couple of debian systems and was able to do so without much incident.
I was trying to pull in a couple of packages from testing or unstable and still learning my way around the apt configuration files. Anyway, I wound up with the whole system about 1/2 upgraded to testing and/or unstable, rather than just installing the one or two packages I was interested in.
Bumping the Pin-Priority of the desired version (stable) over 1000 and doing a series of dist-upgrades eventually got everything back to normal.
Proper configuration of /etc/apt/preferences then kept things that way! :)
Good luck!
- -- Charles Steinkuehler charles@steinkuehler.net