-----Original Message----- From: kclug-bounces@kclug.org [mailto:kclug-bounces@kclug.org] On Behalf Of Steven Hildreth Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 9:01 PM To: djgoku Cc: kclug@kclug.org Subject: Re: ITEC
Are we on track with everything else we need?
My thoughts on stuff:
- The banner (from Hald?)
- Some Handout CD's (from Bill_c and Cymor?)
- Machines to demo stuff (I have a P4 Winbook running a fresh install
of Sarge Debian with a good selection of apps installed that I can leave (someone keeps an eye on it..))
- Networking (will they have wireless (again my notebook has a working
wireless card configured) do we need/have a wireless switch, or wired switch?
- Chairs
- Any kind of poster(s)?
- Printed Handout's of any kind? If nothing else a flyer with some
linux related links might be helpfull -Someone to be there when ITEC is open? I can be there all day (10-3) on Thursday, if needed.
I've got a P4 2.4GHz box with a gig o' RAM and 15" LCD monitor that can perform whatever functions... and likely can put a couple of PIII units on the pile as well, minus monitors. I can bring a 36-port 10/100 switch (3Com junk) and a D-Link wireless access point (DWL-7100AP, does a and g) if the need presents itself. Will there be any form of Internet access available? If so, I can throw in an IPCop 1.4.0 firewall to hide everything behind.
If anyone has a *nix box that can do S-Video output, I can bring a semi-sexy 20" flat-screen TV too - but we really aught to have something worth "looking at" before we go through the trouble. (I think the resolution in that configuration is likely 640x480 or some such.)
I'll probably also bring my Dell Latitude D800 along, dual booting XP and Fedora Core 2... Obviously won't be letting that out of my sight unless I have something very solid to chain it to.
When we say "demo stuff" what are we thinkin' of, Open Office and the like? I think juxtaposing function X on Windows against open function X on *nix is a pretty good idea to show off inter-operability as long as it isn't a pipe dream. (I.E. create a Word doc on Windows, xfer to *nix and voila, you can still use it, etc.)