On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 15:14 -0500, Josh Charles wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Josh Charles josh.charles@gmail.com Date: Jul 14, 2005 3:14 PM Subject: Re: Ruby On Rails / Web Technologies To: Bill Cavalieri bcavalieri@lumensoftware.com
Whats something asp.net does over php? I have yet to find something I can't do in php.
Its not difficult to emulate generics with php callbacks. Many documented examples of this, just google, c++ has had generics for eons, and not surprising that people would come up with ways in php either.
Operator Overloading
I'm no fan of operator overloading. Lots of talk about it in php lists, but I have to agree with the core php developers on rejecting it thus far (people have written patches to provide it). Imho, operator overloading really makes debugging difficult.
Strongly Typed Data Types
Thats a religious battle thats been around since types themselves. You can argue the merits of dynamically vs static types all day, If its important to know the type, php has several methods to determine what the type can be (its dynamic after all).
Function Overloading
Not sure of the merit of function overloading, when php types are dynamic anyways (although I could see if number of arguments vary). But easy enough to emulate with func_get_args(), and some type checking code in the function.
URL Rewriting without resorting to writing C modules for the webserver (there might be a way to do this with PHP, but I've not found it)
I'm not clear what your wanting to do here, but there is no shortage in methods of url rewriting.
Databinding to either business objects or datasets Number of controls (Gridview, Details View)
No shortage of php classes to do grids, tables, graphs, etc.....
Personalization with custom objects Automatic Membership / Subscription functionality with the Provider
A zillion ways to do this, lots and lots of pre-written classes as well.
Wouldn't this just be methods of whatever class you use? You don't have to use the asp.net "Advanced Personalization Services" either to do this, not like this didn't exist before ms wrote the provider class themselves :)
Design Pattern for customization
Now this is just plain silly, plenty of ways, even several php centric books available on the subject.
Multiple Languages possibilities inside projects or applications
I use perl, php, and even soap calls back to a realbasic daemon in projects/applications. I know asp.net does it differently, but definitely ways to do it with php.
Hmm, that all I can come up with now, but that's a big list.