FYI, Free filing in KS can be found here:
Missouri does not appear to have any help.
I have nearly completed my taxes using H&R Block on-line service without incident. I will file a problem ticket with them to please update their browser checker for next year to by OS platform agnostic. I will tell them that they needlessly lost some business because of that little problem.
HTH, Jim
Billy Crook wrote:
There's some IRS program called Freefile. If you make less than $52k a year, you can choose any of these companies ( and do your federal return for free online. I used HR block online the last two years, so I was going to again, and I got THIS:
We've detected that you're using an operating system that is currently not supported by TaxCut Standard Software.
TaxCut Standard Software has been optimized for the following operating systems.
Win2000, WINXP, Win Vista, MAC OS 10.2.8, MAC OS 10.3.9 and MAC OS 10.4.8
WTF, Why do they care what OS I run? It's a damn web application. All they need to do is optimize for the only real browser platform, Mozilla, and It'll work anywhere someone has a web browser. Their inflammatory remarks have angered me, and I want to choose some other company now. Any suggestions?
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