The problem with getting history from movies is ... well ... they are works of fictions with some historical facts thrown in. Teddy never invaded Morocco. summary : Morocco never invaded date : 1904 summary : machine gun invented date : 1885 summary : a much more important invention date : 1880 invention : toilet paper date : 1885 Daimler invents the motorcycle
Brian Densmore
--- Brian Kelsay wrote:
Brian, there was a reenactment of the invasion of Morocco in that movie I mentioned. They killed pretty much the whole Moroccan army in that battle. The US Marines swarmed into the palace and took the king/sultan into custody. I didn't ... was just underway. The first machine gun had been invented (similar to Gatling gun) and it had a part in the invasion on both sides. The king/sultan had a prototype delivered just prior to the attack, but it jammed or ran out of ammo at some point.
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