On Mon, 2006-06-26 at 22:49 -0500, Rich Edelman wrote:
If you were to start a new linux distribution, what would you use for package management? rpm? dpkg? none (tar.bz2s)? portage? roll your own?
dpkg; won't use RPM any time soon because of bugs like this one: http://hivearchive.com/2006/06/08/embarrassing-red-hat-rpm-bug/
What about managing dependencies and fetching packages from remote repositories? yast? apt? smart? yum? urpmi? portage?
apt stack + aptitude; yum, urpmi and portage are all too slow, too young
What architectures / hardware would you support? ppc? alpha? x86 / x86_64?
x86, x86_64; PPC is dying due to Apple's abandonment.
On multilib capable arches (such as x86_64), would you support both 32 and 64 bit, or go 64 bit only?
Both. Incremental changes are good.
Would you go the way of Ubuntu, and work around Gnome mainly? Or the way SuSE traditionally was, and be mostly KDE oriented?
GNOME. I used KDE until a few months ago. Just switched. I like it so much, I'm now the GNOME Games module maintainer.