Just wanted to let you know that installing Ubuntu on the Dell Lattitude was a breeze! (no pun intended).
I had a sleepless night because I couldn't figure out how to get it to update via the package manager correctly but after reading the website (duh) I figured it out.
I've been able to play DVDs, CDs, PowerPoints (via Impress of course) and some web media (but not WMVs or ASFs). Since we don't have Internet access at the church, I'm not too worried about the latter.
The DVD playback is a little choppy so I need to investigate how much RAM was "donated" with the laptop. And that may not make a difference . . . may just be the age of the laptop or the norm for Totem Movie player.
All-in-All it was one of the easiest Linux installs I've ever done, and the first one on a laptop.
Thank you very much for suggesting Ubuntu. I may be converted from Fedora Core to Ubuntu/Debian. :)
Jon Moss