A friend of mine who worked for AT&T had one of those! First time I got to see Unix as my father didn't get to buy everything he wanted. He worked for IBM and won a suggestion award that paid for a Furnace, air conditioner and his XT with a 10mb hard drive. He said he wanted a second hard drive (for Minux) and a cga moniter. How much farther ahead would I be if I'd picked up on more Unix and Minux, rather than toying with the speech synthesis!
Anyone say "shall we play a game"
Thanks for the memories
i was very happy with my texas instruments personal computer
I even wrote a Tetris for it in Scheme it was sold in a garage sale, I wonder where it is now.
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 09:40:57 -0600, Brian Densmore DensmoreB@ctbsonline.com wrote:
10.77 MHz 100% IBM PC XT clone with 20MG MFM Harddrive
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