On 1/26/07, Brian Kelsay ripcrd@gmail.com wrote:
One customization I plan for KiosKCD is update Flash to ver. 9 and add the mplayer browser plugin, but if you add the codecs, then you can't redistribute.
I just happened to do a fresh install of Xubuntu on a mid-low end machine, a P3 650/128MB/15GB Gateway. It has FF 1.5 out of the box and when I tried to view something on Google Video it notified me of needing a plugin for Flash, of course. I let it try to install it on it's own and it actually worked. about:plugins shows me that it's got libflashlayer.so Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31 and it works ok. I got to watch an Audioslave video on a fresh Ubuntu Linux install with no funny command line stuff that a newbie would need to know, or be scared of, with the regular full install. Just a simple in-the-browser follow the prompts installation. You may not need to bundle Flash on a distro if it can be easily installed at run time from the existing net connection. That would easily sidestep any of the redistribution req's of the license.