Except that there was no 6 A.D. At the time of what would have been 6 A.D., there was no Gregorian Calendar to make it 6 A.D. The Gregorian Calendar wasn't adopted until 1582, and the previous Julian Calendar, while adopted in what would have been 46 B.C. on the Gregorian Calendar, would have put another number on what would have been 6 A.D. on the Gregorian Calendar.
Not to mention that A.D. is a Christian name for the period after 1 A.D. (there was no 0 A.D.) and the Julian Calendar wouldn't have had an A.D., let alone a 6 A.D.
So if your math teacher brother is correct, 01:02:03 04/05/06 has *never happened* and *never will happen*.
--- "Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO" brian.kelsay@kcc.usda.gov wrote:
From my brother the math teacher:
Actually it has already happened 2000 years ago in the year 6 AD. It is now 2006 so it does not quite work out.
01:02:03 04/05/06 should be 01:02:03 04/05/2006.
This is the state of our mathematics.
Groan, Phil Kelsay Mathematics Teacher
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