On 9/30/07, feba thatl febaen@gmail.com wrote:
I'm curious as to what some of you think of Windows piracy. Do you think it's alright if it's only done to run software that only works on Windows due to MS's monopolistic tactics?
I generally do not bother with any piracy which is not for profit.
Do you think it's alright if it replaces the purchase of a legit copy, as it hurt's MS's profit margin?
Not exactly the best rationale, but if that's what makes one feel better.
Do you think it's always bad? Do you think that software should always be free anyway?
There are few cases where i think _use_ of software should be free.
Are your decisions about this based on law or morals?
I would say neither, more like my own personal conclusions.
Personally, I don't pirate software anymore, and it pisses me off to see my friends downloading *yet another copy of windows* to reinstall with *again*, instead of trying linux, but that's more about their lack of a brain than it is piracy.
Yah well, if Windows couldn't be pirated, it would have MUCH less popularity. I haven't had to pirate a copy of Windows in ages, most since I get free copies these days. Whenever I stop getting free copies, I doubt I'll be too bothered about downloading it myself. The bandwidth would be better used downloading the latest version of Fedora or CentOS