Our company uses Rational Rose for UML modeling, and ERwin for DB modeling. But now you're talking serious money for either of those tools. Probably not what you're looking for, but I thought I would offer it up. Have you looked at Dia? It will draw boxes that you can connect. You can't generate anything out of it, but it's got the boxes. Open Office Draw will do boxes with connectors.
Google pointed me here: Magic Draw http://www.linux.org/apps/AppId_6831.html ($149)
and here: http://dmoz.org/Computers/Programming/Methodologies/Modeling_Languages/Unifi...
Good Luck, Jim
Jack wrote:
I wanted to find a full-fledged UMl tool, but my specific need was to build a db schema with E/R diagram. None of the tools I've looked at have an actual db graphic. The best I can hope for is to use a UML class tool. Or use something like Gimp and draw boxes and then add lines to seperate out the table names and fields. It would have been nice to have a tool to generate the SQL also. There seem to be some experimental add-ins to dia to do this, but I don't see any debian packages for it.
Brian D.