While it is a genetic mutation of Debian, the new "Freespire" distribution shows a little promise for weirdo hardware. The main difference between Freespire and real Debian is that Freespire deliberately includes proprietary (i.e., "non-free") software, drivers, and codecs in its regular packages; whereas Debian adopts a much more stringent "free-only" approach to its packages, requiring you to take additional steps to gain access to "non-free" sections of Debian servers.
In other words, you are much more likely to find weirdo hardware drivers in the "non-free" section than in the "free" section. Coincidentally, you are more likely to find weirdo hardware on laptops, and be less likely, if not unable, to swap out the weirdo hardware for something Linux-compatible.
--- steve trog scuba_steve660022@hotmail.com wrote:
hey all long time member but i never post anything i just read it all. anyway i got a toshiba satalite A105-S4054 and im tired of using windows xp on every thing (i keep it on my main comp b/c i play alot of games) and i want linux oin my laptop because i love the freedome and all the stuff i can do and change on linux. is athere a good distro to put on a laptop computer or is any distro good? please tell me something good im looking forward to hearing from ya'll.
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