Quoting Brian Densmore DensmoreB@ctbsonline.com:
I recently acquired an older version of Oracle (v. 8i). I was wondering if it might be possible to load it on a Linux box? Or if I need to break out the NT cd's? I haven't even opened the shrink-wrap yet. I was thinking about using it at home for projects, or possibly on an alternate PC for access by my webserver.
You can download Oracle from Oracle for free and use it for development (non-production) work. If you're just wanting to gain some experience with it. I believe I had installed 8i on Red Hat a few years back, but I had to jump through some hoops.
Not that 9iR2 is much of an improvement with regard to the installation process, but it is a bit less painfull.
-- Dave Hull http://insipid.com